Friday, January 3, 2014

More from New Orleans

These are from the same day in New Orleans as my last post, but I finally got around to working on them. I'm still on vacation, so not bad to squeeze in this work and learning new photo editing software. The streetcar, as you can see on the sign, is headed from Canal Street to the French Market. I was heading out of the city, so this was in the last few minutes before I left. The sun was also starting to set, but the colorful sky was further over to my right. I'll play with this one again to change the sky some more another day. 

The fish statue is there to greet drivers leaving the parking lot outside of Canal Place. Since my group was walking from the river, just near the Aquarium of the Americas, I got this beautiful close shot of it. I like the traditional lamppost in the background to give the photo a context of being in New Orleans, too. 

I have a lot more to share from this day in the city, after I work with them and get my watermark on them.
Thanks for viewing!

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